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DARK MOON - Old Edition
DARK MOON - Old Edition

*Did NASA fake the Apollo Record? *Was Neil Armstrong really the first man on the Moon? *Did you know a second craft was going to the Moon at the same time as Apollo 11? *Do you know that potentially lethal radiation is prevalent throughout deep space? *Do you know there are serious discrepancies in the account of the Apollo 13 accident? *Did you know that live color TV from the Moon was not actually live at all? *Did you know that the Lunar Surface Camera had no viewfinder? *Do you know that lighting was used in the Apollo photographs -- yet no lighting equipment was taken to the Moon? *Why didn’t the Soviets blow the whistle on the Americans? *Was Yuri Gagarin the first man in space, or did others die in previous attempts? *Should there be a blast crater beneath the Lunar Module? All these questions, and more, are discussed in great detail by British researchers Bennett and Percy in DARK MOON, the definitive book (nearly 600 pages) on the possible faking of the Apollo Moon missions. Bennett and Percy delve into every possible aspect of this beguiling theory, one that rocks the very foundation of our beliefs concerning NASA and the space program. Tons of NASA photos analyzed for possible deceptions. Printed on high quality paper for excellent reproduction of official NASA photographs. This is the book that spawned the FOX television special and caused NASA to briefly promote a book that was to prove that NASA really went to the Moon and did not fake the Apollo record, a book that was suddenly canceled! Was it canceled because NASA could not counter the many claims in this book? Decide for yourself! New Super Sale price on the last of the first edition! While these are new books, they have been returned by bookstores and are slightly scuffed. Only $19.95!

Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistle Blowers. OLD EDITION. 568 pages. 7x10 Paperback. Illustrated. Bibliography.

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