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A Hitchhikers Guide to Armageddon EBOOK
A Hitchhikers Guide to Armageddon EBOOK

In this EBook, Childress hits the road from Megiddo, the legendary fortress in northern Israel where Armageddon is prophesied to start. Hitchhiking around the world, Childress takes us from one adventure to another, to ancient cities in the deserts and the legends of worlds before our own. Childress muses on the rising and falling of civilizations and the forces that have shaped mankind over the millennia, including wars, invasions and cataclysms. He discusses the ancient wars of the past, including evidence for ancient atomic wars, and relates the dim past with the present and dim future.

With humor, philosophical insight, and wonder at the amazing world around us, Childress shows us the many traces of advanced civilizations in the past, and how we should look at them differently from the way scientists currently do.

Among the various topics in the book: *The amazing sciences of ancient India and China *David's involvement with the strange megaliths of New Zealand *Intelligence operatives in New Zealand and the attempt on David’s life *David's travels to remote islands and the controversy that it has created *How David and conspiracy pal Kenn Thomas were dragged into the Kennedy Assassination by one of the “conspirators.” *Kenn Thomas, David, and some of their associates are apparently the real-life model for the “Lone Gunmen” of the X-Files television show.

A HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO ARMAGEDDON by David Hatcher Childress. 354 pages. E-Book. References.

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