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In LIES ACROSS AMERICA, James W. Loewen continues his mission, begun in the award-winning LIES MY TEACHER TOLD ME, of overturning the myths and misinformation that too often pass for American history. This is a one-of-a-kind examination of historic sites all over the country where history is literally written on the landscape, including historical markers, monuments, historic houses, forts, and ships. Topics include: a town in Louisiana that was the site of a major but now-forgotten enslaved persons' uprising; a totally revised tour of the memory and intentional forgetting of slavery and the Civil War in Richmond, Virginia; the hideout of a gang in Delaware that made money by kidnapping free blacks and selling them into slavery; Lincoln's Birthplace Cabin built 30 years after his death. Chapters include: No Confederate Dead: Invent Them!; Tall Tales of the West; and many more. Entertaining and enlightening, LIES ACROSS AMERICA also has a serious role to play in contemporary debates about white supremacy and Confederate memorials. Published at $27.99, our price only $16.95. 

LIES ACROSS AMERICA: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong By James W. Loewen. 480 Pages. 6x9 Hardback. Illustrated. Index.

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