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Homo Serpiens investigates the millennia-long “psi-op” known as culture and the various socio-religious systems of worship that have shaped and directed humanity’s evolution until now. Mapping a flow of archetypes, beliefs, and practices from Ancient Egypt, through the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites, into the Ministry of Christ, the Gnostic movement and the inception of Christianity, Aleister Crowley’s Law of Thelema, Hitler and the National Socialists, and finally the UFO contact cults and alien abduction rituals of modern times, Homo Serpiens unveils an occult agenda behind history and the mythic narrative of Masonic Sorcery Theater that drives it. Drawing on the works of C.G. Jung, Rudolph Steiner and Philip K. Dick, this work interprets all human and even trans-human manipulations as side effects of an even deeper process of DNA-activation, Kundalini rising, and species mutation from personal to galactic consciousness, into 2012 and beyond. Homo Serpiens is a grimoire for the end times. Chapters include: A Fellowship of the Rings; Homoplasmate and Apotheosis of Species; The Egyptian Strand; The Judaic Strand; The Aiwaz Working; The Nazi Strain; The Humalien Agenda and the Return of “the Gods”; The Goddess Revival; The Lucifer Coil; more. 

HOMO SERPIENS: An Occult History of DNA from Eden to Armageddon  By Aeolus Kephas. 243 Pages. 6x9 Paperback. Illustrated. References. Index.

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