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British aerospace engineer Cramp began much of the scientific anti-gravity and UFO propulsion analysis back in 1955 with his landmark book Space, Gravity & the Flying Saucer (out-of-print and rare).  In this final book, Cramp brings to a close his detailed and controversial study of UFOs and anti-gravity as well as time-travel and “advanced time,” or A.T. Chapters include: Curriculum of the Fortean Kind; Prelude to Precognition; Precognitive links; The UFO Connection; Angels Unawares?; The Isle of Wight UFOs; Precognitive Excursions of the Aeronautical Kind; Jet Propulsion to Skimmers; Models of Supercraft; Hoverplane Theory 1st Generation; Supercars; Precognitive Excursions of Another Kind; Anti-Dazzle to Anti-Gravity; more. Tons of illustrations. A great book! This fascinating collection of some of the UFO related works is presented here in an autobiographical format in response to popular inquiry. In this work the author pints out that any preview of future events can logically be regarded as a form of time travel and this many occur in a vast cosmic matrix system in which all things have heir shred existence. Drawing on his own experience, the author discovered that the elapsed time between preview of an event to its manifestation can also be variable and for co-ordination and tabulating purposes he has designated this as an advanced time factor (ATF) in his case measured in years. Cramp also reveals evidence of other experiences of the industrial kind which has helped him reach the philosophical conclusion that despite the dogged efforts of the individual, there really is a right time for everything.

THE A.T. FACTOR: The Advanced Time Factor By Leonard Cramp. 324 pages. 7x10 Paperback. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.

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