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Zagami continues his masterful thesis on his former life within the Illuminati, “confessing” his own role, and digging deeper to expose the players and their control grid. He outlines the Satanic infiltration of Freemasonry, pointing out the generational aspect of the bloodline families. The Confessions of an Illuminati narrative in Volume II is projected to the reality of today, including the occult maneuvers behind the New World Order. We need to wake up beyond our current belief systems, because the “controllers” of the New World Order are moving fast using the “Prophecies” to their advantage to implement their evil plan by 2020, when World War III will finally break loose. The author demonstrates that the hierarchy of power emanating from Rome and Jerusalem, with the Jesuits and the Zionists united by a secret pact since the Second Vatican Council, is working towards the creation of a world government. There is also China playing a new role in the NWO with the far-reaching tentacles of Chinese Freemasonry manipulating economic hit men and disinformation artists, while Russia is building its Christian orthodox alliance to apparently oppose the Western antichrist. Chapters/subjects include: The rise of the dragon and the Tibetan Lama mercenaries; Sacred geometry and initiation into the real Illuminati; The end of HAARP?; Freemasonry and the P2 at the United Nations; Balestrieri Zionism and Wahhabism; the rainbow of Lucifer and the Cross of Nero; The Prophetic Aura of the Illuminati and the New World Order; The plot for the creation of the so-called Endtimes; Jesuit Illuminati and Communism; Is it time for the Illuminati tyrant?; 2020 Dawn of a New Era; The earthquake in Japan one of the signs of the Endtimes; The strange correlation between nuclear development and UFOs; Israeli security and the Rothschilds who manipulate it; Sirius and the serpentine energy; The final battle; The UN and the New World Disorder; Anticipating a New Age messiah known as the Maitreya; Psychic Defense Satanism and the Adepts of Atlantis; The Rosicrucian Illuminati from the Golden Dawn to the FRA; Master Huirachocha and a short history of the FRA; Psychic vampirism in the Illuminati; Is Freemasonry in the US compromised by Aquino and his Council of Nine?; Brainwashing; tons more.

CONFESSIONS OF AN ILLUMINATI VOL. II: The Time of Revelation and Tribulation Leading up to 2020 By Leo Lyon Zagami. 380 pages. 6x9 Paperback. Illustrated. Index. 

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