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Babylonian myths, inherited in Mesopotamia from Sumeria, influenced by the ancient Assyrians, represent a pinnacle of human achievement in the period around 1800 BC. Here we find humankind battling with the elements in their Flood myth, a grim creation story and the great Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the earliest recorded literary treasures. Babylon, a powerful city-state, was a center of profound spiritual, economic and military power, themes all represented in the fragments and myths of this book of classic tales. Their gods were the Annunaki. Chapters on The Akkadians; Tiglath-Pileser; Berossu’ Account of the Deluge; Nimrod, the Mighty Hunter; The Birth of the Gods; Merodach Battles Tiawath; The Writings of Oannes; Bel and the Dragon; Shamash; Ishtar; Dagon; Gilgamish meets Eabani; The Monster Khumbaba; Nusku of the Brilliant Scepter; Nabu and Merodach; Planets Identified with Gods; Babylonian Vampire; Winged Bulls; The Invasion of the Monsters; tons more! Imported from Britain. 

MYTHS OF BABYLON Edited by Jake Jackson.  256 Pages. 5x8 Paperback. Illustrated.

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