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Explore the latest scientific research behind the ancient forms and patterns of sacred sites around the world, and discover the long-lost mystical connection our ancestors had with our planet. Since ancient times humans have honored places of power in the landscape to gain healing, wisdom and access the world of spirit. In this book, expert author Paul Devereux draws on the evidence from the disciplines of sacred geometry, archaeology, archaeoastronomy and archaeoacoustics to map out the hidden meaning in ancient sites and landforms. This title covers: power places—investigating magnetic and other natural forces at sacred sites; understanding shamanic landscapes—the meaning of the Nazca lines and other giant ground markings; the new science of archaeoacoustics—echo and ‘ringing’ stones found at prehistoric sites; and, cognitive archaeology—a new approach to archaeology and its radical findings. Lots of interesting megaliths, rock carvings, cliff-faces, simulacras and other strange stuff. Chapters include: The Topology of Myth; Places with Faces; Centre Place; Walking through Holy Lands; Lines Drawn in the Land; Giants in the Earth; Mapping the Monuments; Soundscapes; Enchanted Gardens; more. Published at $25.00. Our price only $18.95! Deluxe book imported from Britain!

SACRED GEOGRAPHY: Deciphering Hidden Codes in the Landscape By Paul Devereux. 160 Pages. 8x10 Hardback. All Color. Bibliography. Index. 

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