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In his previous book, THE ORION PROPHECY, the author came to the staggering conclusion that the earth will be subjected to a huge disaster. The cause: the magnetic field of the earth will reverse in one go, resulting in catastrophic consequences for humanity. Immense earthquakes will sweep away all buildings on earth; while continents will shift thousands of kilometers and an all-demolishing tidal wave will leave billions of dead people behind. In this new book the author scientifically reveals the millennia-old codes of the Maya and the Old Egyptians, which refer to this super-disaster. The reader gets carried away in an astonishing series of discoveries about the secrets of a long lost past -- of an antediluvian civilization, which was able to calculate the previous polar shift, and its late descendants, who have calculated the next reversal for 2012. What the author discovered is incredibly shocking and of such crucial importance, that it concerns everybody without any exception. The Dresden Codex of the Maya, for instance, contains the secrets of the sunspot cycle, about which our modern astronomers know nothing yet! The conclusions that follow, are even more staggering. At a certain moment, when the sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point, the sun's surface will be subjected to immense storms. They will cause a super-catastrophe on earth, without equal. The astronomical Zodiac of the Egyptians described the exact dates of the previous disasters and their consequences for our planet. When you combine the facts of these phenomena, you are able to prove the source of the number 666, known from the Bible as the number of the Apocalypse. It is taken from the Egyptian civilization and indicates an aberration in the sunspot cycle, which lays the foundation for the forthcoming world cataclysm. Furthermore, both cultures had made incredibly precise calculations for the orbit of the earth around the sun. They are so accurate, that they exceed our present values! Completely astonished by his discoveries, the author could do nothing but acknowledge these ancient particulars as exact, and with that, concede that our end is imminent.

WORLD CATACLYSM IN 2012: Maya Calendar Countdown, by Patrick Geryl. 324 pages, 6x9 Paperback, Illustrated, and references.

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