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This book is a companion to Edward T. Martin’s first book King of Travelers: Jesus’ Lost Years in India. However, it stands alone as a description of the extraordinary journey to India in 2005 for further research on the question of the Lost Years and the making of the Jesus in India film (see New DVDs). The journey across 4000 miles of India from Kashmir in the north as well as Dharamshala and Darjeeling, to the Meenakshi Hindu Temple in Madurai to the south and Chennai to the east, where Saint Thomas preached for about 20 years after the crucifixion, was truly extraordinary. One of the most remarkable parts of this research was the visit to Jagannath Temple in Puri, India, where a Hindu temple has existed for 2,500 years. There an extraordinary and historic interview with the Shankaracharya unfolded. Shankaracharya Nischalananda Saraswati is the spiritual leader of millions of Hindus, and he insists that Jesus was in India at the ancient temple of Jagannath as well as in Kashmir.  He states that the facts about this have been concealed or covered up and denied by Christianity, and that Jesus learned from Hindus the Achar Samhita—their code of conduct. This included Hindu teachings of Truthfulness, Mercy, Charity, Serving Others, Compassion and Ethics. The stories of Jesus visiting Kashmir imply that he was not only in India during the so-called “Lost Years” from ages 12 to 30 (after which time he would have returned to the Holy Land to begin his ministry), but that he survived the crucifixion and after a few years returned to India. It is said he died in old age and is buried at the Rozabal (the Prophet’s Tomb) in Kashmir, which has seemingly ancient carvings of the prophet’s feet showing the crucifixion wounds!

JESUS IN INDIA: KING OF WISDOM By Edward T. Martin, Foreword by Paul Davids.  247 pages. 6x9 Paperback. Illustrated. Bibliography.

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