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WORLD EXPLORER 83. Vol. 10, No. 2
WORLD EXPLORER 83. Vol. 10, No. 2

ANCIENT TIBET AND THE LAND OF ZHANGZHUNG By David Hatcher Childress. Childress investigates the mysterious ancient Tibetan kingdom of Zhangzhung and the Bon religion that began there, 18,000 years ago.

WHEN WITCH HUNTS WERE REAL By Jennifer Bolm. Bolm looks at the social and religious environment that spawned the craze that took the lives of tens of thousands of accused witches in Europe.

THE AMAZING PETROGLYPHS OF TASSILI N’AJJER By Professor Wexler. The petroglyphs of the southern Algerian National Park Tassili n’Ajjer are presented here—marvel at the ancient scenes!

THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE By Michael Cordeiro. Cordeiro takes us on an adventure in the Bermuda Triangle.

WORLD EXPLORER 83. Vol. 10, No. 2. 64 Pages. 8x11. All Color. Professor Wexler, Classifieds, WEX Remembers, Advertising, more.

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