In the past Graddon has written on Otto Rahn, Jack the Ripper, Pythagorus of Samos and mythical land of Magonia. Now Graddon looks into the esoteric nature of Alice in Wonderland and the Hidden Door. Hi takes on such magical places as Hyperborea, phantom islands and Elf Kingdom of Laurin among other places beyond the hidden door. Chapters on: Shambhala; Agarttha; The Land of the Nradas; Asia Mysteriosa; India’s Underworld Planets; Xibalba; Hyperborea; The Hole at the Pole; “Phantom Islands”; Atlantis; Parallel Worlds; “Etherea”; The Celtic Otherworld; Don Quixote and the Caves of Montesinos; The Elf Kingdom of Laurin; High Strangeness; Celluloid Worlds Purgatory; The Ninth Gate; Glastonbury Grove; Alice’s Worlds Carroll; “Secunda”; Avalon; Alice and the Rosy Cross; more. The book is populated throughout by scores of illustrations and images. January Publication. Pre-Order Now!
ALICE’S WONDERLAND: The Search For the Hidden Door By Nigel Graddon. 364 Pages. 6x9 Paperback. Illustrated. Bibliography.
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